
Hill Avenue Home Learning

Hill Avenue Home Learning

Published on:October 03rd 2020

At Hill Avenue we believe in trying to accommodate all our children as much as possible to offer various Home Learning opportunities and support. In any cases of self-isolation or another lock-down scenario we are prepared to offer your child as much as we possibly can with some parental support. Our teachers and wider school staff are working hard to provide a continuous provision to quality learning from their homes if the need arises. 

We currently offer:

Learning Packs available - Website, Parentmail and paper

Lessons available - Website and Parentmail

Education City curriculum enrichment - individual accounts for children

Times Tables Rock Stars - individual accounts for children

Telephone and video opportunities for families

YouTube videos to support families at home

SoundCloud Podcasts for to support Reading at home

Extra-Curricular online clubs to support Children's University

Individual email accounts for all children to send learning

Thank you. 


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Hill Avenue Academy

Hill Avenue,
Wolverhampton WV4 6PY
Telephone: 01902 558750